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I'm Edwin

a programmer

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I am a creative Website developer. I'm very good at what I do because I love my job.

My Skills.


I'm a very creative Website developer

I can develop anything using HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP, JAVA SCRIPT, Jquery, Nodejs, Expressjs, The command line, Hyper terminal


I'm an active learner

I'm a super fast learner. If learning was a super power, I'd be super hero. I love reading books and learning the books by heart. I use my learning hability to learn about anything. Oh, by the way my mother tongue is spanish. I set a goal to learn english in 10 months. At the end of the 10 months I was able to get a job as a custmer service rep at a callcenter becuase I could speak english very fluently.

Work Experience

I'm an intermediate level Full Stack software engineer. I'got plenty of experience already to build a website/web App from beginning to end, front and back end, completely functional, secure, and good looking (UI/UX).

My Projects

Get In Touch

If you love reading as much as I do

Love reading as much as I do? Let's talk about some awsome books while we code your Website


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© 2022 Edwin Jimenez